

英語版・素敵な江戸時代図鑑《The Illustrated Guide to The Fantastic Edo Era》完成!

The Illustrated Guide to The Fantastic Edo Era

構想から6年。英語版・素敵な江戸時代図鑑FEEがようやく編集作業が終わり印刷に入りました! 訳者はイギリス出身で、様々な日本のアーティストの訳詞や歌詞を手掛けるリン・ホブデイさん。外国人向けの内容に善養寺がゼロから執筆し、描き、編集しています。

 Six years in the making – “The Illustrated Guide to the Fantastic Edo Era” is here at last. UK-born lyricist, Lynne Hobday, has handled the translation for Zenyoji Susumu’s unique guide to everything you need to know about Japan and the Edo Era. 


The book is based around a reconstruction of the Kojimachi area of Tokyo during the Edo Era and also features chapters on Edo-style kimonos and hairstyles, the Samurai society, Japanese swords, and castles, etc. Colorful illustrations and explanations also cover Ninja and Yokai – hugely popular overseas. Additionally, the book will give you an insight into Japanese ways of thinking. A colorful and comprehensive look at Japan that can be enjoyed by the whole family.


Zenyoji Susumu has also devoted pages to trace Japanese attitudes towards religion and Japanese aesthetics that will help travelers enjoy their journey even more.


★紀伊國屋書店新宿本店 Books Kinokuniya Shinjuku 
★紀伊國屋書店札幌店 Books Kinokuniya Sappolo
★紀伊國屋書店広島店 Books Kinokuniya Hiroshima

For Smartphone
Basic Knowledge – objects and statues you can see around town | 基礎知識 : 町で見かける置物や像の解説。
Basic Knowledge – investigating the rice paddies you can see from train windows. The Japanese and Rice and the creatures that live in the rice paddies | 基礎知識 : 新幹線に乗ると車窓に広がる田んぼ。お米と日本人、そして生き物たちについて。
People in the Town – a reconstruction of Kojimachi in the Edo Era with explanations on how people lived | 町の人々 : 江戸時代の麹町を再現した麹町照覧で、江戸の町と生業を解説。
People in the Town – explaining Edo stores and the products they sold | 町の人々 : 代表的な商店と商品を解説。
People in the Town – introducing kimonos worn in the Edo Era | 町の人々 : 着物の解説。着物のパターンは意外にも、ユニセックス。
People in the Town – introducing some of the hairstyles of the Edo Era | 町の人々 : 髪型の解説。丁髷にも日本髪にもいろいろあります。
People in the Town – introducing Edo Era beauty tips | 町の人々 : コスメのお話もあります。
Samurai and Castles – Samurai garments | 侍と城 : 武士の服装。
Samurai and Castles – an in depth look at Japanese swords | 侍と城 : 近頃海外でも人気の日本刀について、刃文なども詳しく解説。
Samurai and Castles – introducing some of the best Japanese castles to visit | 侍と城 : 全国のお勧めのお城を開設。
Ninja – everything you need to know about the mysterious Ninja | 忍者 : 最近は忍者目当てに日本に来る方も少なくありません。忍者の歴史から技までを解説。
Yokai – introducing 101 supernatural Yokai | 妖怪 : 妖怪も人気の文化です。101種類の妖怪を解説しています。旅館に泊まるのが楽しくなるはず!